Saturday, February 16, 2008

My alarm clocks for today

This playful duo were happily chirping away early in the Sunday morning. Their calls sounded very much like "好了没有". Figured I couldn't sleep anymore (it's only 8am!) I got up determined to snap them. Apparently there's a third one around, but these 2 are always together.

This scene is damn hard to auto-focus, the system loves to lock onto the bright and contrasty background instead. (yes even with the CAM3500DX on single point single shot servo). This might be yet another compelling reason why pros use big teles instead of cropping from a high res sensor - to fill more of the frame with the subject for easier AF/AE lock.


Sen said...

Yes I always have the problem focusing on the subject for such shots..

yes even with the CAM3500DX on single point single shot servo). This might be yet another compelling reason why pros use big teles instead of cropping from a high res sensor - to fill more of the frame with the subject for easier AF/AE lock.

---> very to explain? LOl

This is me, said...

It's stated in the manual that the AF system will not work properly under such situations.

When u have a long tele, u can fill more of the frame with the subject, and it should be easier to focus and meter.

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