Saturday, January 19, 2013


A photogenic scene starts to take shape. People start moving into position. Kids start to smile. Your photographic instinct tells you there’s a keeper to be had. Your body, too tired to move, convinces your instinct with the cliché line – some things are just meant to be watched. And you move on.. in search of somewhere to sit and chill.

How many times have that happened to you? Wished your enthusiasm would sustain from dawn to dusk? Then prepare to face the truth. Your camera system is too heavy and bulky. Period. (Sorry Pros. Just hit the gym to build up your strength and stamina yea?)

For the rest of us, there is an alternative.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Still Alive!

Seriously belated post. 18 days late. Lol. It’s getting increasingly busy these days. 3 graduate modules, 1 conference and 1 journal paper. All to be done by end of the semester. And I haven’t started much research yet. But today is a Friday, and I thought I should stop procrastinating.. so here it is!

Consistent with latest “trends”, this year’s sunrise is a timelapse. It isn’t easy doing timelapse at sunrise/sunset though.. You have to change exposure and white balance along the way, and make sure the change isn’t too obvious. Took me about 4 days to process it, mainly because my computer was very slow… It just isn’t used to exporting hundreds of RAW files at one go..