Sunday, April 20, 2008


Stamina and dedication is one aspect every aspiring photographer must have, and above all, passion as the force multiplier.

Night HDR. Something I've always wanted to do, and (after this shoot) to do more. Night is cooling, and there are many places that only shine when darkness falls.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Great way to waste petrol

There's a very predictable pedestrian traffic light somewhere near my place. 3 seconds after one presses the button, the amber light will turn on for 3 seconds, and then the red. This observation led me to conceptualize this image - one that captures all 3 lights in 1 single exposure.

Predictable as it is, I still required 4 activations of the traffic light to catch this image, as it isn't really as easy as it seems. First, I must set the intervalometer to start taking picture 5 seconds after I leave the camera. I'll have to push the button at the start of the exposure. Most difficult part is to time it such that there are enough cars passing the lights before the red comes on, so as to record some trail lights.

I guess the drivers stopping at the lights must be real pissed... seeing this idiot stopping the traffic just to shoot some lame picture. Sorry fellas!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It's all about being there

清明时节雨纷纷, this is particularly true for me this year. I yearned for a stunning sunrise, with the gleaming sun bursting through the morning mist, amidst the padi fields in a kampung setting. Just the thought of the picture is enough to keep me awake the night before... and the first sounds of rain prevented me from falling asleep thereafter. Althought it was reduced to a drizzle around 6am, I couldn't see any stars in the sky, and this can only mean 1 thing - Heavy cloud cover. Not the best day for a sunrise dude...

But I had only one chance... seeing that my cousins were already awake, we drove into the darkness, heading for any roadside padi-fields available (no chance to recce the day before). Arrived, deployed, and only after 2 exposures, we were hit by yet another wave of showers. Cold and hungry, I felt guilty for bringing my cousins outfield. And then... miracle happened.

A hole opened up in the sky, revealing pink fluffy clouds beyond. Stalks began flying in squadrons before me, intercepting perfectly with the opening. This is no opportunity to miss. If there had to be only one picture from this trip, it had to be made now. Shot as many as possible before my filter gets smeared with raindrops. It is hard to catch the birds in a graceful formation... their wings were hardly in sync. Toyed with the idea of cloning... but heck... this is nature... nothing is perfect.

Lesson learnt: Opportunity is random and hardly predictable. It's all about being ready... it's all about being there.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Journey in search for the roots

2 days of driving brought me back to the place where my parents were born. A PAS controlled state for many years, Kelantan is one of the most under-developed states in Malaysia. Going there primarily for Qing Ming Jie festivities, I also took the rare opportunity to document the local people as well as their lifestyles.

There are many pictures that I love to share, but it would be hard to present it as a list on this blog. I've decided to embed a slideshow from google's picasa albums, but it is setup to run continuously by default. I'll strongly suggest you take time to read my captions, so pause the slideshow and advance manually. Alternatively, go straight to my web album to browse them in full view.

The album also compressed my pictures, reducing the vibrance while increasing JPEG artifacts, which is a pity as it does not do justice. Anyone has a better suggestion as to where to host the pictures?