Whole afternoon raining, nowhere to go. My plans for shooting IR @ marina south park gone down the drain. Thought it would be just another stoning day at home.
Looking out of the window, i suddenly see this big RED sun pop out among the clouds... I was stunned. I was a bit hesitant in taking a pic, coz i dunno how to compose.
Setting up my tripod takes 45sec (still slower than an RBS70 system haha), and the sun is going DOWN! Its really fast... time is short.
Snapping on the old AIS 80-200 f4 again, and calculating (should be aggarating) the manual exposure, i whacked this pic just in time before the glow fades. Lucky to get it in the "rule of thirds" position.
Bet this is the worst picture i posted here so far. Nothing spectacular.
Curse and swear that my tripod doesn't allow me to shoot at low angles. Out of 5 shots, only this turned out sharp enough.
Taken in a park just after a heavy rain. I thought i could catch droplets of water sparkling in the sun... none like that.
This is my first proper picture taken from an antique Nikkor AIs 80-200mm lens. Manual exposure, manual focus. I was surprised my estimation was spot on at the first try.
As the name suggests... nothing more, nothing less.
Photo taken during the hazy period. PSI was around 80+ i guess. One of the first few pics i took with the d70.
I'm not selling any facial cream here.
Many people send their DSLRs to manufacturer for CCD cleaning, which ranges from $20-100 per clean. Its simply daylight robbery for me. Sadly, the extra money is spent purely for peace of mind.
I use a d70, bought second hand, and without any warranty left. The guy who sold me clearly did not maintain it well, resulting in a plethora of dust on the sensor. I was tempted to send it to nikon, but luckily i came to my senses and ditched the idea.
Got a pack of 50 lens cleaning sheets for 2 bucks, wrapped it around an ice-cream stick and taking a deep breath, swiped the sensor in one firm movement. To my horror, i saw a STREAK... i thought this was the end of the world...
Luckily, it was just some unevaporated lens cleaning solution. A test image showed no scratches, and much to my delight, less dust! I became bolder and swiped the sensor many more times, each time increasing pressure, till 95% of the dust is gone. (the world isn't perfect, its better to have 1 or 2 specks of dust than to have a scratch)
Now i'm glad my sensor is sufficiently clean, and i only spent 1 cent (i used 1/4 of a lens tissue btw)
Conclusion: Be brave my men! Don't let fear be your weakness.
Disclaimer: This information is provided solely for the reader's information and is not meant to be taken as an advice. The author will not be held responsible for any damages to the reader's camera and loss of warranty, where applicable, by following the procedures described in this article. The reader is taking his own risks by following these procedures!
In the past, i wasn't too fond of HDR, cos i'm a complete idiot at the "merge to HDR" function in photoshop CS2, as well as photomatrix pro's tonemapping. Neither of them generated the results i wanted.
While trawling the net for pleasing HDR pics, i saw even more unnatural pics. Some even seemed like cartoons. Eventually, i chanced upon really impressive ones. HOW DID THEY DO THAT?
Finally decided to DIY my HDR, using layers and masks. It gave me full control of saturation, colour and contrast of the various regions. I've yet to master the right feathering pixels, hence the obvious halos around the bridge. Nevertheless, i was very satisfied with this pic.
This scene was an inspiration i got last night, when i was brainstorming for a nearby location, time and framing to test out HDR. Although i reached a little late (had to fastmarch 25mins), i managed to catch most of the colours.
This second picture is more natural. In fact it is so natural i couldn't tell it is HDR. (success!) However, comparing it with a normal exposure, one could easily identify the superior colour vibrance and contrast exclusive to a HDR image.
In case you dunno what's the difference, take a look at the comparison image. 
Nothing better to do. Dragged my reluctant brother along to catch a sunrise at punggol, at 6am. The problem is... there wasn't anything spectacular. Colours weren't great, so i figured it would look better in monochrome.
Patience is key to nailing nature shots, and i guess i'll have to try again next time.
I wasn't expecting much good comments when i posted the IR pics at clubsnap forum. Much less with this picture. It was just a casual snap, with some underexposure. The colour, and contrast were all lacking. As this was a lousier pic, i posted it as the 4th (last) pic.
Much to my surprise, the post-processing i did to the pic made it quite a hit. Received many praises for this pic. Some even thought i had the patience to use long shutter speed to create the dreamy effects. I was paiseh that all i did was applying effects. Well, i guess its a trade i've acquired from experimenting with photoshop.
Waiting to book in. Thought i could just upload some more pics to this blog.
This was taken during 9th Aug 2006, Singapore's National day. I wasn't prepared for the intensity of the fireworks and blew the highlights on my FZ30. The only presentable pic i got was this...
Hehe... to think someone thought the wcon-07 attachment i had on the cam was a fisheye.
The haze is away and the sun is shining. The shutter is open and signals flowing. Let there be light.